The 6 Habits of Growth – Audible Book of Brendon Burchard

In this article I will review the 6 habits of growth audible book of Brendon Burchard. However, I won’t spoil all the details that Brendon shares around the growth habits motivation, focus, confidence, energy, purpose and leadership.

In addition, I will try to link this audible book with the learnings from High Performance Habits.

The 6 Habits of Growth - Audible Book Brendon Burchard 210204
The 6 Habits of Growth - Audible Book Brendon Burchard 210214

Book structure – The 6 Habits of Growth

  1. Motivation
  2. Focus
  3. Confidence
  1. Energy
  2. Purpose
  3. Leadership

On the Audible page of Brendon Burchard’s audiobook The 6 Habits of Growth you can read the following summarizing descriptions about the different habits of growth.

1MotivationDiscover the three keys to lasting motivation. Learn how to diagnose and combat burnout. Find out the daily habits that increase motivation—and make them part of your morning routine.
2FocusAssess where you stand with respect to the 10 main areas of life—mental health, physical health, family, friends, finances, mission, spirit, adventure, learning, and growth—and commit to the desired improvements. Leverage the habit formation process. Capture daily insights via journaling and habit tracking.
3ConfidenceWe all face self-doubt. Start to embrace it as a signal to learn—to prepare more, to get better, to ready yourself. Think of it as a catalyst, not an inhibitor. Step into your authenticity to feel more comfortable in social situations.
4EnergyLearn revving and renewal practices that will fuel you for the life you want to lead. Drill down on meditation, exercise, diet, and sleep in an entirely new way.
5PurposeDon’t think that you have to have only one. Learn to make purpose smaller. Translate it into purposeful living—the everyday “points of purpose” that present opportunities for meaning and service.
6LeadershipDiscover how to enlist and persuade others to support your ideas; how to deal with conflict; and how to get everyone around you to perform at their bes

While Brendon shares super valuable information distributed over the 6 Habits of Growth, you will find some recognizable tips, tricks and structures if you follow Brendon Burchard and the GrowthDay App more closely.

Brendon Burchard – High Performance Habits

“High performers have simply mastered—either on purpose or by accident through necessity—six habits that matter most in reaching and sustaining long-term success. We call these six habits the HP6. They have to do with clarity, energy, necessity, productivity, influence, and courage.”

Back in 2020 I’ve started took part in 3 months High Performance Habits coaching program with my personal coach, former Microsoft colleague and friend Mike Ang. The results were amazing, and it has provided me with a lot of value, self-awareness and tools to build and maintain high performance habits.

Please take the time to read the article: “6 High-Performance Habits Only the Most Extraordinary People Share, Backed by Science.Incredibly successful — and happy — people consistently do six things. And you can too.” to get an idea of how the structure of the habits looks like.

The 6 Habits of Growth covers different and closely related habits, where only the Habit of Energy is similar to the High Performance Habits book. So, people that are worried about same information, don’t need to do that. Brendon Burchard always brings something new and valuable to the table.

Concluding thoughts and wrap-up

I’ve recently installed Audible on my Google Pixel 6 Android smartphone. When I go out on a walk or hike, I put on an Audible book so I can listen, learn and exercise a bit. Honestly it is a combination that I really like (positive double whammy).

While I have all the books of Brendon Burchard on my bookshelf, I wanted to have this Audiobook in my collection. I’ve really enjoyed it and going for the second round of listening.

The price-point is around € 27,00 now, but I received it cheaper with an introduction offer. It is reasonable given the 5:00 hours of valuable content, but it might feel different than paying this amount for a hardcover book.

Long story short if you are an Audible fanboy, then The 6 Habits of Growth is a no-brainer to buy and add the latest and greatest book of Brendon Burchard to your library.

Get yourself back into your A-game with Brendon Burchard’s Growthday App and content.

Please check out the page with more personal development book reviews, assessments and tools or any of the review categories below for some interesting content.

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