The 6 Habits of Growth – Audible Book of Brendon Burchard

The 6 Habits of Growth – Audible Book of Brendon Burchard

In this article I will review the 6 habits of growth audible book of Brendon Burchard. However, I won’t spoil all the details that Brendon shares around the growth habits motivation, focus, confidence, energy, purpose and leadership. In addition, I will try to link this audible book with the learnings from High Performance Habits.

Personal Development

This page is dedicated to Personal Development and Personal Growth posts, book reviews, assessments and other tools that I’ve personally used during my (professional) life. It is a steadily growing overview, since I like to put more emphasis on this topic.

Sebastiaan Hooft – APK voor ondernemers

Sebastiaan Hooft – APK voor ondernemers

APK voor ondernemers is the latest book of Sebastiaan Hooft, a highly successful dutch serial entrepreneur, DJ and producer. The book is aimed at entrepreneurs and written in Dutch, so it’s funny to see a book review in English from a non-entrepreneur. 🙂 “APK voor ondernemers” has some valuable life lessons and has useful takeaways … Read more

Headspace Guide to Mindfulness & Meditation – Andy Puddicombe

Headspace Guide to Mindfulness & Meditation – Andy Puddicombe

In this article I will share my thoughts on the book “The Headspace Guide to Meditation and Mindfulness” by Andy Puddicombe. I also an active user of the headspace service and make the daily investment of 10 minutes a day to meditate. The Headspace Guide was listed by Bill Gates in the article “5 summer … Read more