WRKSHP.tools – Erik van der Pluijm best tools for your next innovation workshop

WRKSHP.tools – Erik van der Pluijm best tools for your next innovation workshop

WRKSHP.tools is the latest online project of Erik van der Pluijm, who is one of the designers of the book Design a Better Business.

I’ve reviewed the book on this blog back in 2017, when I wanted to learn more about Design Thinking (check out this Standford University webpage).

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Steve van Wyk, CIO ING Bank – Building the preferred Bank

Steve van Wyk, CIO ING Bank – Building the preferred Bank

Stress, the University of Twente’s largest study association, organized an awesome guest-lecture with Steve van Wyk, CIO @ ING Bank. The theme of the lecture is  “Challenges @ ING” and one of the topics is the merger of the Postbank and ING, the challenges that came with it and how they were overcome.

In this article I will provide some of the interesting topics from the lecture, and for those who haven’t attended this lecture you really missed a great opportunity to have a detailed look at the technology-side of ING.

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