Operating Model Canvas book review – Andrew Campbell, Mikel Gutierrez, Mark Lancelott

Operating Model Canvas book review – Andrew Campbell, Mikel Gutierrez, Mark Lancelott

Operating Model Canvas – Aligning operations and organization with strategy is the title of the latest book of Andrew Campbell, Mikel Gutierrez, Mark Lancelott. The look and feel is very much like the Business Model Generation handbook from Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur Alan Smith, Patrick Van der Pijl and Tim Clark.

I this book review I will get you through the Operating Model Canvas book structure, the Operating Model Canvas Toolbox and compare it with the Business Model Canvas and Process Model Canvas. Finally I will give a business analysis view on the Operating Model Canvas.

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Process Model Canvas – Marco Bijl, James P. Devlin and David Ruting

Process Model Canvas – Marco Bijl, James P. Devlin and David Ruting

The Process Model Canvas is developed by Marco Bijl, James P. Devlin and David Ruting and is complementary to Alexander Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas. The PM Canvas will help you define the operating model that needs to be adopted, but HOW do you do that?

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